Cost effective marketing strategies you can take advantage of right now

3 tips to get you started

It's no secret that marketing can be expensive.

However, you don't have to spend much money as a small business owner to get the word out about your products or services. This blog post will discuss three cost-effective marketing strategies for small businesses to take advantage of right now.

1. Social media marketing 

Social media marketing is one strategy that works amazingly well when done correctly.However, it's essential to know what you want to get out of it before diving in head first.

Social media marketing involves posting content on various social media platforms likeFacebook, Twitter or Instagram to generate awareness and engagement among potential customers who might not otherwise hear about your business. While it requires much less money up-front than other forms of advertising (such as TV, radio or traditional print ads), it is generally more time-consuming. Dedicating time and energy to developing your company's relevant social media marketing strategy is essential.

 If you’re new to the world of social media for business, it’s best to start by focusing on just one or two platforms. Try to post every day to build an online community. You may want to promote a few posts to get the ball rolling and gain traction more quickly. This type of advertising is very cost-effective because you can get super specific about the demographic you want to target, ensuring that not a single penny of your budget gets wasted on an irrelevant audience.

 Remember to use social media analytics tools to gain insight into your audience and the types of content that perform the best. Most channels have a basic free version that can prove very helpful.

2. Learn the basics of SEO

Another cost-effective form of online advertising that many small businesses may not yet have heard about but should take advantage of is SEO (Search Engine Optimisation). While it does not happen overnight, the right SEO strategy can help your business rank higher in search results and receive more traffic from people looking to purchase products or services like yours.

So what exactly is SEO? Well, it's just a way of making your website better for search engines so that they can find your website more accessible and rank it higher when people search for specific keywords related to the products or services you offer. This process takes sometime, but small business owners can use many strategies to get their sites ranking higher on search engine results pages (SERPs).

If done correctly, SEO could help you get more traffic to your site, which leads to increased sales.

Some basic ways to optimise your business website include:

●      Compressing images to improve loading times

●      Using a Content Distribution Network (CDN) to speed up your site

●      Creating keyword-rich pages and blog posts

●      Regularly publishing new content

●     Making plenty of internal links

3. Email marketing

Email marketing is one of the most cost-effective ways to market your business. Not only can you send updates and newsletters, but it’s also a good way for customers to contact you with questions or concerns. You can also offer discounts or coupons through email, which incentivises them to buy from your company again.

One way to increase the effectiveness of your email marketing is by creating an autoresponder series.This starts with sending out introductory emails about who you are, what services you provide, and other relevant details about your company. Then, once there is an interaction between customer and business, you can send follow-up messages with relevant content.

For example, suppose someone purchases a new watch from your website or storefront. In that case, they will receive an email afterwards thanking them for the purchase and providing some basic information about what to expect in regards to when it would be delivered. Once there is movement on their order, they may receive an email update or notification about when to check in for the package. This is just oneway that you can use your autoresponder series.

You can also include helpful information and features on different pages of your website, such as an FAQ section where users can get help with their purchases or other concerns.

Another way to increase conversions through email marketing is by offering an incentive for people to sign up, whether a free ebook or coupons and discounts. Once prospective customers signup, you can use an automated nurturing email sequence to guide them along the customer journey.


The above three cost-effective strategies can prove very powerful when marketing your small business. Social media is a great way to target potential customers and build brand awareness. Meanwhile,SEO will allow you to rank higher on Google searches which results in more website traffic and ultimately more revenue. Finally, email marketing will enable you to create automated campaigns with personalised messages to nurture your customers and keep them coming back. Combined, these three strategies can drive your business forward and enable serious growth. However, it is vital to remember that in order for these strategies to work successfully and efficiently, a clear and coherent plan is needed. With a clear plan you can measure any campaigns and use the data to report on the success of them. As at the end of the day, data is the driving force of any marketing.

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